Too Many Commas

I just learnt that there are two types of comma in Chinese:

  • 逗号 is the regular comma ( ) and

  • 顿号 is the back-sloping comma ().

The normal comma is used for pauses in speech; the back-sloping comma is used for the slightly shorter pauses you make when listing two or more things.

Here’s an example of their usage, with the English explanation below:

Too Many Commas.jpg

Here’s how this example would look in English:

“Pastpresentfutureup and downleft and rightChina and foreign countries are all mutually connectedmutually influentialmutually restrictive.”

Oh, and the semicolon is used in the same way as English, to signify a shift between clauses. So in order of longest pause to shortest pause, it goes as follows:

For the Instagram version, see here.


This is Paul


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